Frequently asked questions
This page contains our answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Si vous ne trouvez pas la solution que vous cherchiez, n’hésitez à pas nous contacter !
L'ajout d'une organisation est-elle payante ?
No. Consulting and listing your organization in the directory is entirely free of charge.
The only services for which we charge are consulting services we offer through our network of partners (market research, forecasting and trends, strategic analysis and business intelligence). Quotes on request.
Who can register?
The Aircosystem directory is reserved for air quality professionals operating in France, whether in the private, public or voluntary sectors.
Is this your case? Sign up now!
I can't find my organization in the directory. How can I list it?
To create a listing and appear in the directory, you'll first need to create an account.
Once you've filled in the form, an activation e-mail will be sent to you (check your spam folder), enabling you to create a new file.
This will appear in the directory after validation by a moderator.
How can I update my profile?
Make sure you're logged in first. From the My Account page, click on the three dots in your profile, then on "Modify".
I can't find what I'm looking for. Can you help me?
That's right! Don't hesitate to contact us using the dedicated form. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I'm having technical difficulties. Where can I get help?
The site is currently in beta version. This means that new features will continue to be added on a regular basis, and we may unfortunately have missed some bugs.
If you have any technical or functional problems, or suggestions for improvement, please contact us using the dedicated form. We'll do our best to help you as soon as possible.
What are "Categories"?
The "Categories" correspond to the first level of segmentation, and refer to the main types of structure existing in the French Air Quality ecosystem. An organization can belong to only one "Category".
They appear on the home page, in the query results and in the details of each file, and can be used as filters in the search engine.
There are currently 7 of them:
- Public players: structures entrusted with implementing strategies to improve air quality, by speciality or sector of activity (AASQA for air quality monitoring, INERIS for risk management, CSTB for building, INRAE for agriculture, Cerema for urban planning, ANSES for health, etc.).
- Clusters: structures acting as platforms, groupings or networks that help to animate groups, support or federate initiatives, or pool resources to improve air quality (competitiveness clusters, professional federations, research infrastructures, etc.).
- Local authorities: local government bodies able to act in favor of air quality in their areas (DREAL, Communes, Départements, Régions, etc.).
- Schools and universities: teaching and research organizations in both the public and private sectors (technical high schools, higher education schools, laboratories, etc.).
- Companies: air quality professionals from the private sector (manufacturers of sensors and air treatment solutions, design offices, testing laboratories, certification bodies, etc.).
- Institutions: bodies responsible for public policy on air quality (Ministries, Conseil National de l'Air, etc.).
- Civil society: associative structures committed to raising public awareness and developing advocacy on air quality issues (citizens' associations, NGOs, etc.).
What do the "Professions" mean?
Sectors" correspond to the second level of segmentation of ecosystem players, and refer to an organization's main activities. An organization can have several "Business Lines".
They appear in the query results as well as in the details of each file, and can be used as filters in the search engine.
There are currently 14 of them:
- Analysis: interpretation, evaluation and study activities typically carried out by design offices and laboratories (analysis of samples, measurement results, test bench results, etc.).
- Insurance: preventive measures set up by insurance groups or mutual insurers to address the health risks associated with exposure to air pollution.
- Certification: definition of the regulatory reference framework used to guarantee the minimum required performance and quality of an instrument, service or process (norms and standards).
- Communication: all information, prevention, warning, awareness-raising and advocacy activities that can be deployed by ecosystem players (publication of an official press release, organization of events, allergo-pollen bulletins, etc.).
- Consulting: tailor-made support services mobilizing specific external expertise to address specific issues that cannot be dealt with by the requesting organization (IAQ diagnostics, sizing a sensor network, optimizing an aeraulic network, etc.).
- Teaching: educational activities implementing secondary or higher education curricula in the public or private sector ("initial training").
- Financing: investment in research programs, companies or events aimed at improving air quality (publication of calls for projects, venture capital investment, etc.).
- Training: teaching activities related to continuing education, often involving the transmission of advanced technical know-how in the engineering field.
- Engineering: design, manufacture and maintenance of products designed to improve knowledge of air quality or to improve air quality as such (measurement, filtration and protection instruments, etc.).
- Measurement: all activities relating to metrology, i.e. the science of measurement (design and manufacture of measuring instruments, calibration, network sizing, data processing, analysis and reporting, etc.).
- Modeling: analysis activities designed to simulate the operation of a system using IT tools, in order to derive decision-support information (atmospheric chemistry calculation models for urban ambient air, indoor air, etc.).
- Research: activities designed to improve our understanding of the mechanisms involved in air pollution (transfers, transformation, exposure...) and to provide remedial solutions (in terms of urban planning, motorization, personal protection...).
- Regulation: legislative and legal activities relating to the definition of a reference framework for air quality monitoring, as well as the setting of emission thresholds for polluting industrial activities, norms, standards and labels.
- Treatment: all air treatment activities, i.e. filtration, purification, disinfection, etc., designed to achieve measurable, objective improvement in the quality of the air breathed by the occupants of a given space.
Are you unable to list your organization satisfactorily? Let us know, and we'll do our best to help you.
What are "Specialties"?
Specialties" correspond to the third level of segmentation of ecosystem players, and reflect an organization's specific expertise. An organization can select several "Specialties".
They appear in the details of each file, and can be used as filters in the search engine.
There are currently 24 of them:
- Mites
- Ventilation
- Aerobiology
- Aerosols
- Ambient air
- Industrial air
- Indoor air
- Noise
- Climate
- Behaviors
- Air conditioning
- Environment
- Air quality management
- Instrumentation
- Gas measurement
- In-situ measurement
- Remote sensing measurement
- Microbiology
- Odors
- Pesticides
- Pollens
- Radon
- Health
- Ventilation
Are you unable to list your organization satisfactorily in the list of specialties provided? Let us know, and we'll do our best to help you.