Who we are

Who we are

FIMEA is the Fédération Interprofessionnelle des Métiers de l'Environnement Atmosphérique.

Our main missions are to help protect public health by improving air quality, to structure the French air quality industry and to develop it in France and abroad.

Since 2017, eight regional branches have been deployed across France to relay solutions as close as possible to those on the ground.

The Federation brings together companies with expertise in the fields of air quality, both inside buildings and in land-use and industrial environments.

Each regional entity contributes to the influence of the industry as a whole on a national and international scale, thanks to its strong local roots and a day-to-day focus on creating local synergies.

Fimea proposals on the New Air Economy

  1. Accelerate the implementation of public policies with a portal of local professional solutions
  2. Identify the skills of the future and encourage the creation of local vocational training courses
  3. Bringing existing cooperation agreements to life to accelerate the ecological transition with a theme that citizens can understand
  4. Include air in climate finance and energy transition schemes for mobilization and health efficiency.
  5. Launch a massive air education plan (from schoolchildren to decision-makers)


In 2019, FIMEA is launching the Aircosystem project to support French players working to improve air quality, across all professions and specialties, in the private, public and voluntary sectors.

This initiative, serving all ecosystem stakeholders, aims to :

  • Facilitating access to professionals and existing solutions
  • Facilitating the expression of customer needs
  • Raising awareness of air quality professions
  • Help create synergies between local players
  • Promoting the excellence of French expertise on the international stage

Aircosystem is an impact project, rooted in the local area, resolutely inclusive and multidisciplinary.

Would you like to find out more? We'd love to hear from you!