ADEME and Air Quality

ADEME and air quality

ADEME and air quality

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ADEME in brief

At ADEME - the French Environment and Energy Management Agency - we are firmly committed to the fight against global warming and resource degradation.

On all fronts, we are mobilizing citizens, economic players and regions, giving them the means to move towards a resource-efficient, low-carbon, fairer and more harmonious society.

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In all fields - energy, circular economy, food, mobility, air quality, adaptation to climate change, soil... - we advise, facilitate and help finance numerous projects, from research to sharing solutions.

At every level, we put our expertise and foresight at the service of public policy.

ADEME is a public establishment under the authority of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, and the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.

ADEME's action in the air sector

Two main objectives


to preserve and improve indoor and outdoor air quality 

to the emergence and dissemination of actions 

to improve and prevent air quality

And three modes of intervention




Developing the knowledge and tools needed to implement effective actions - Steering studies

Take better account of air quality in the Agency's other areas of action

Support for (innovative) initiatives and dissemination

On outdoor air quality

  • Implementation of the national plan to reduce emissions from domestic wood heating by July 2021:
    • Management of the Fonds air bois scheme (accelerating the renewal of low-efficiency domestic wood-burning appliances and open fireplaces, promoting and communicating best practices).
    • Steering a national communication campaign on efficient wood heating
    • Supporting the development of skills among industry professionals, and improving the performance of heating appliances.

  • Management of a call for AgriQAir projects to support experimentation, evaluation and dissemination of effective solutions for reducing ammonia (NH3) and particulate (PM2.5 and PM10) emissions in the agricultural sector.
  • Drawing up and distributing a guide to best practices

  • Improving the integration of air quality into planning documents (particularly PCAETs) and town planning documents
  • Development of health-friendly urban planning

Support for local authorities in defining action plans to improve air quality (study grants), via the AACT-AIR call for projects.

Support for local authorities/businesses/associations in implementing actions to improve air quality in areas covered by an Atmosphere Protection Plan (PPA) or where emissions have recently been exceeded in the 6 regions where litigation has been initiated.

Raising the general public's awareness of the health issues involved in air quality: development of awareness-raising materials and guides for the general public on air pollution.

On indoor air quality (IAQ)

Support for the Indoor Environment Quality Observatory (OQEI)

Participation in expert groups for the development and implementation of IAQ monitoring in ERP, contribution to National Environmental Health Plan working groups.

  • Promotion of the ECRAINS® approach developed by ADEME (quality approach designed to satisfy a preventive approach to health in the building industry)
  • Local deployment

Support local authorities in identifying concrete actions to improve air quality in public buildings (including nurseries and schools), via the AACT-AIR call for projects.

Raising public awareness of the health issues involved in indoor air quality: development of awareness-raising materials and guides for the general public on indoor air pollution.

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ADEME resources on air quality

  • ADEME bookshop (study and research reports, guides, experience feedback, etc.)